paj-head - 1


Newgreen Supply Protein Peptide Silk Protein Powder Silk Protein Rau Cov plaub hau

Lus piav qhia luv luv:

Hom Lub Npe: Tshiabgreen

Khoom Specification:99%

Txee Lub neej: 24 hli

Txoj kev khaws cia: Txias qhov chaw qhuav

Qhov tsos:  Dawb hmoov

Daim ntawv thov: Khoom noj khoom haus / Ntxiv / Tshuaj

Ntim: 25kg / nruas; 1kg / foil Hnab los yog raws li koj xav tau

Product Detail

Kev pabcuam OEM / ODM

Khoom cim npe

Product Description:

Tremella tremella yog ib hom kev noj tau thiab tshuaj fungi, hu ua "crown of bacteria".

Tremella tremella polysaccharide yog lub luag haujlwm tseem ceeb hauv Tremella tremella.

Nws yog muab los ntawm heteropoly qab zib cais thiab purified los ntawm fruiting lub cev thiab sib sib zog nqus fermented spores ntawm Tremella tremella, accounting rau txog 70% ~ 75% ntawm qhuav qhov hnyav ntawm Tremella tremella.

Xws li nruab nrab heteropolysaccharides, acidic heteropolysaccharides, extracellular heteropolysaccharides, thiab lwm yam, hu ua "hyaluronic acid nyob rau hauv lub ntiaj teb no cog", nws yog tib lub ntuj moisturizing raw khoom nrog ntau lab ntawm molecular luj nyob rau tam sim no.




Ntxiv: No.11 Tangyan South Road, Xi'an, Suav teb

Xov tooj: 0086-13237979303 ibEmail:ua

Certificate of Analysis 

Khoom npe: txhob lo lo ntxhuav protein Hnub tsim khoom:2023.08.20
Batch No:NG20230 82001 Hnub Soj Ntsuam:2023.08.21
Batch Quantity: 5000kg ua Hnub Kawg:2025.08.19
Cov khoom Specifications Cov txiaj ntsig
Qhov tshwm sim hmoov dawb Ua raws
tsw Yam ntxwv Ua raws
Tau saj Yam ntxwv Ua raws
Assay(txhob lo lo ntxhuav protein) 99% Ua raws
Sieve Analysis 100% dhau 80 mesh Ua raws
Poob rau ziab 5% Max. 1.02%
Sulfated tshauv 5% Max. 1.3%
Extract Solvent Ethanol & Dej Ua raws
Hnyav Hlau Max 5 ppm Ua raws
As 2 ppm max Ua raws
Residual Solvents 0.05% Max. Tsis zoo
Particle Loj 100% tab sis 40 mesh Tsis zoo
Assay 8.0% (los ntawm HPLC) 8.35%

Ua raws li qhov tshwj xeeb USP 39

Kev cia khoom Khaws rau hauv qhov chaw txias & qhuav, Tsis txhob khov. Cia kom deb ntawm lub teeb thiab cua sov.
Txee lub neej

2 xyoos thaum khaws cia zoo

Analyzed by: Li Yan Pom Zoo by: WanTao

Muaj nuj nqi:

1.Lub teeb thiab mos: Silk protein yog tsim los ntawm cov protein ntau los ntawm cov txheej txheem tshwj xeeb, txoj kab uas hla ntawm nws cov fiber ntau yog nyias dua li tib neeg cov plaub hau, xav tias mos thiab muag heev, xis nyob heev.

2.Good air permeability: Cov silk protein fibers muaj ib tug tshwj xeeb daim duab peb sab seem, uas tso cai rau cov huab cua ntws ntawm cov fibers, zoo huab cua permeability, yog li ntawd cov neeg hnav cov khoom txhob lo lo ntxhuav yuav hnov ​​​​zoo txias.

3. Kev nqus dej noo zoo: Vim yog lub ntsej muag du ntawm cov khoom siv fiber ntau, kev nqus dej zoo, nws tuaj yeem ua kom cov fiber ntau mos thiab xis nyob hauv qhov chaw ntub dej.

4. Nws muaj cov tshuaj tua kab mob zoo thiab pab tiv thaiv kab mob ntawm daim tawv nqaij.

Kev siv ntawm silk protein:

1.Moisturizing thiab moisturizing: Silk protein tuaj yeem nqus tau thiab khaws cov dej molecules, ua kom tawv nqaij noo, thiab ua kom tawv nqaij softer thiab smoother.

2. Cov khoom noj sib sib zog nqus: Silk protein muaj ntau yam amino acids, uas tuaj yeem nkag mus tob rau hauv daim tawv nqaij thiab txhawb kev loj hlob ntawm tes thiab kho.

3. Antioxidant: Silk protein muaj ntau glutathione, uas tuaj yeem tshem tawm cov dawb radicals, inhibit oxidation cov tshuaj tiv thaiv, thiab ua kom tawv nqaij laus.

4. Firming daim tawv nqaij: Silk protein tuaj yeem txhim kho daim tawv nqaij elasticity, txhawb collagen synthesis, thiab ua rau daim tawv nqaij firmer thiab elastic dua.

5. Txhim kho cov tawv nqaij: Silk protein tuaj yeem txhawb cov ntshav ncig thiab ua kom tawv nqaij noj qab haus huv thiab ci dua.

6.Nyob rau hauv luv luv, txhob lo lo ntxhuav protein muaj ntau yam kev tu tawv nqaij, tuaj yeem txhim kho daim tawv nqaij zoo nkauj, txhim kho daim tawv nqaij elasticity thiab firmness, thiab ua rau daim tawv nqaij noj qab haus huv thiab hluas dua.

Ntim & Xa


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    Sau koj cov lus ntawm no thiab xa tuaj rau peb